208. Nachum T. Gross, "The Economic Regime During Israel's First Decade," Israel: The First Decade of Independence, edited by S. Ilan Troen and Noah Lucas. New York: State University of New York Press, 1995.
207. Nachum T. Gross and Jacob Metzer, "Palestine in World War II: Some Economic Aspects," in The Sinews of War: Essays on the Economic History of World War II, edited by Geofrey T. Mills and Hugh Rockoff. Ames: Iowa State University Press, pp. 59-82.
206. Don Patinkin, "Israel's Stabilization Program of 1985, Or Some Simple Truths of Monetary Theory," Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 7 (No. 2, Spring 1993):103-28.
205. Jacob Metzer, "What Kind of Growth? A Comparative Look at the Arab Economies in Mandatory Palestine and in the Administered Territories," Economic Development and Cultural Change, 40 (No. 4, July 1992): 843-65.
204. Haim Barkai, "The Petroleum Market: Much Ado About Nothing?" The Economic Quarterly, No.146 (November 1990): 241-263 (Hebrew).
203. Haim Barkai, "The Notion of Economic Democracy: Its Relevance to and Impact on the Socialist Endeavor in Palestine and Israel," combined reprint of two articles: a. "Economic Democracy and the Origins of the Israeli Labor Economy," The Jerusalem Quarterly. 49 (Winter 1989): 17-39; b. "Fifty Years of Labor Economy: Growth, Performance, and the Present Challenge," The Jerusalem Quarterly, 50 (Spring 1989): 81-109.
202. Michael Keren and David Levhari, "Decentralization, Aggregation, Control Loss and Costs in a Hierarchical Model of the Firm," Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, No.11 (1989): 213-236
201. Ephraim Kleiman, "Benefits and Burdens of Indexed Debt: Some Lessons from Israel's Experience," in Kenneth J. Arrow and Michael J. Boskin (eds.), The Economics of Public Debt. London: The Macmillan Press, 1988, pp. 264-291
200. Jacob Metzer, "The Administered Territories and the Arab Economy of Mandatory Palestine (an Historical Perspective), The Economic Quarterly, 39 (No. 137, July 1988), pp. 129-145 (Hebrew)
199. Yoram Ben-Porath, "Market, Government, and Israel's Muted Baby Boom," in Economics of Changing Age Distribution in Developed Countries, edited by Ronald D. Lee, W. Brian Arthur and Gerry Rodgers. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988, pp. 12-38
198. Yoram Ben-Porath, "Simon Kuznets in Person and in Writing," Economic Development and Cultural Change, 36 (No. 3), 1988, pp. 435-447
197. Haim Barkai, "The Defense at a Crossroads," Monthly Survey, I.D.F. Chief
196. Haim Barkai, "The Inefficiency and Incentive Case Against the Kibbutz," in Incentives and Economic Systems, edited by S. Hedlund, London: Croom Helm, 1987, pp. 228-263.
195. Haim Barkai, "Israel's Attempt at Economic Stabilization," The Jerusalem Quarterly, 43 (Summer 1987), pp. 3-20.
194. Morris Teubal, Nadav Halevi and D. Tsiddon, "Learning and the Rise of Israel's Exports of Sophisticated Products," World Development, Vol. 14, No. 12, 1986, pp. 1397-1410.
193. Ephraim Kleiman, "The Histadrut Economy of Israel: In Search of Criteria," The Jerusalem Quarterly, 41 (Winter 1987), pp. 77-94.
192. Ephraim Kleiman, "The Indexation of Public Debt in Israel," Public Finance and Public Debt, (Proceedings of the 40th Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance, Innsbruck, 1984), edited by Bernard P. Herber, pp. 193-204.
191. Morton Kamien, David Levhari, Leonard Mirman, "Dynamic Model of Fishing: The Relationship to Conjectural Variations," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (No. 12, May 1985): pp. 308-321.
190. Haim Barkai, "Thoughts on Present Day Economic Growth in Israel," Banking Quarterly (No. 95, April 1986): pp. 74-92. (Hebrew)
189. Victor Levy, "The Distributional Impact of Economic Growth and Decline in Egypt," Middle Eastern Studies 22 (No. 1, January 1986): pp. 89-104.
188. Victor Levy, "Seasonal Fertility Cycles in Rural Egypt: Behavioral and Biological Linkages," Demography, 23 (No. 1, February 1986): pp. 13-30.
187. Yoram Ben-Porath, "Self-Employed and Wage Earners in Israel: Findings from the Census of Population 1972," Studies in the Population of Israel, edited by Usiel O. Shmelz and Gad Nathan. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1986, pp. 245-280.
186. Yoram Ben-Porath, "Patterns and Peculiarities of Economic Growth and Structure," The Jerusalem Quarterly, 38 (1986), 43-63.
185. Haim Barkai, "Reflections on the Economic Cost of the Lebanon War," The Jerusalem Quarterly, 37 (1986), pp. 95-106.
184. Ariel Rubinstein, "Choice of Conjectures in a Bargaining Game With IncompleteInformation," in Game-Theoretic Models of Bargaining, edited by Alvin E. Roth. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985, pp. 99-114.
183. Victor Levy, "Cropping Pattern, Mechanization, Child Labor, and Fertility in a Farming Economy: Rural Egypt," Economic Development and Cultural Change, 33 (No. 4, July 1985): 777-791.
182. Haim Barkai, "The Israeli Economy in the Past Decade," The Jerusalem Quarterly, 32 (Summer 1984): 3-15.
181. Michael Bruno, "Economic Stabilization: The Emergency Plan in its Early Phase," The Economic Quarterly, 31 (No. 124, March 1985): 207-223. (Hebrew.)
180. Jacob Metzer and Oded Kaplan, "Jointly but Severally: Arab-Jewish Dualism and Economic Growth in Mandatory Palestine," Journal of Economic History, 45 (No. 2, June 1985): 327-345.
179. Jacob Metzer, "How New Was the New Era? The Public Sector in the 1920s," Journal of Economic History, 45 (No. 1, March 1985): 119-126.
178. Yoram Ben-Porath and Reuben Gronau, "Jewish Mother Goes to Work: Trends in the Labor Force Participation of Women in Israel, 1955-1980," Journal of Labor Economics 3 (No. 1, January 1985), S310-S327.
177. Ephraim Kleiman, "A. L. Gaathon-In Memoriam: His Contribution to Economic Research," Economic Quarterly, 31 (No. 124, March 1985): 41-46. Hebrew.
176. Morris Teubal and Edward Steinmueller, "The Introduction of a Major New Technology-Externalities and Government Policy," in The Economics of Relative Prices, edited by B. Csikos-Nagy, D. Hague and G. Hall. London: Macmillan Press, 1984, pp. 117-139.
175. Jacob Metzer, "Railroads and the Efficiency of Internal Markets: Some Conceptual and Practical Considerations," Economic Development and Cultural Change, 33 (October 1984): 61-70.
174. Ariel Pakes and Zvi Griliches, "Estimating Distributed Lags in Short Panels with an Application to the Specification of Depreciation Patterns and Capital Stock Constructs," Review of Economic Studies, 51 (April 1984): 243-262.
173. Nachum T. Gross, "The Economic Policy of the Mandatory Government in Palestine," Research in Economic History, 9 (1984): 143-185.
172. Morris Teubal, "Neutrality in Science Policy: The Promotion of Sophisticated Industrial Technology in Israel," Minerva, 21 (Nos. 2-3, Summer-Autumn 1983): 172-197.
171. Nachum T. Gross, "The Jewish Economy in Palestine During the Unlabelled Years: 1928-32," Zionism, 9 (1984): 207-220. Hebrew.
170. Morris Teubal, "The Role of Technological Learning in the Exports of Manufactured Goods: The Case of Selected Capital Goods in Brazil," World Development, 12 (August 1984): 849-868.
169. Robert I. Lerman and Shlomo Yitzhaki, "A Note on the Calculation and Interpretation of the Gini Index," Economics Letters, 15 (1984): 363-368.
168. Morris Teubal, "The Accumulation of Intangibles by High-Technology Firms," in The Trouble with Technology, edited by Stuart MacDonald, D. McL. Lamberton and T. D. Mandeville. London: Frances Pinter (Publishers), 1983, pp. 56-74.
167. Don Patinkin, "Keynes and Economics Today," American Economic Review, 74 (May 1984): 97-102.
166. Michael Keren and David Levhari, "The Internal Organization of the Firm and the Shape of Average Costs," Bell Journal of Economics, 14 (Autumn 1983): 474-486.
165. Haim Barkai, "Theory and Praxis of the Histadrut Industrial Sector," The Jerusalem Quarterly, 26 (Winter 1983): 96-108.
164. Michael Bruno, "Raw Materials, Profits and the Productivity Slowdown," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 99 (No. 1, 1984): 1-29.
163. Ariel Pakes and Shmuel Nitzan, "Optimum Contracts for Research Personnel, Research Employment, and the Establishment of 'Rival' Enterprises," Journal of Labor Economics, 1 (October 1983): 345-365.
162. Don Patinkin, "Multiple Discoveries and the Central Message," American Journal of Sociology, 89 (No. 2, September 1983): 306-323.
161. Shlomo Yitzhaki, "On an Extension of the Gini Inequality Index," International Economic Review, 24 (No. 3, 1983): 617-628.
160. Eytan Sheshinski and Yoram Weiss, "Optimum Pricing Policy under Stochastic Inflation," Review of Economic Studies, 50 (1983): 513-529.
159. Ruben Lamdany, "Emigration from Israel," Economic Quarterly, 30 (No. 116, April 1983): 462-478. Hebrew.
158. Victor Levy, "Demand for International Reserves and Exchange-Rate Intervention Policy in an Adjustable-Peg Economy," Journal of Monetary Economics, 11 (January 1983): 89-101.
157. Morris Teubal, "The R & D Performance Through Time of Young, High- Technology Firms," Research Policy, 11 (December 1982): 333-346.
156. Ariel Pakes, "On Group Effects and Errors in Variables in Aggregation," Review of Economics and Statistics, 65 (February 1983): 163-173.
155. Oded Stark and Shlomo Yitzhaki, "Migration, Growth, Distribution and Welfare," Economic Letters, 10 (1982): 243-249
154. Morris Teubal, "The Engineering Sector in a Model of Economic Development," in Trade, Stability, Technology, and Equity in Latin America, edited by Moshe Syrquin and Simon Teitel. New York: Academic Press, 1982, pp. 317-332.
153. Morris Teubal and Edward Steinmueller, "Government Policy, Innovation and Economic Growth," Research Policy, 11 (October 1982): 271-287.
152. Colin Lawrence and Victor Levy, "On Sharing the Gains from International Trade: The Political Economy of Oil Consuming Nations and Oil Producing Nations," Inter- national Economic Review, 23 (October 1982): 711-721.
151. Joram Mayshar, "On Divergence of Opinion and Imperfections in Capital Markets," American Economic Review, 73 (March 1983): 114-128.
150. Don Patinkin, "Paul Samuelson's Contribution to Monetary Economics," in Paul Samuelson and Modern Economic Theory, edited by E. Cary Brown and Robert M. Solow. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1983, pp. 157-167.
149. Ariel Pakes, "On the Asymptotic Bias of Wald-Type Estimators of a Straight Line when Both Variables are Subject to Error," International Economic Review, 23 (June1982): 491-497.
148. Yoram Ben-Porath, "The Conservative Turnabout That Never Was- Ideology and Economic Policy in Israel Since 1977," Economic Quarterly, 29 (No. 115, December 1982): 325-33. Hebrew. English version: The Jerusalem Quarterly, No. 29 (Fall 1983): 3-10.
147. Shlomo Yitzhaki, "Relative Deprivation and Economic Welfare," European Economic Review, 17 (1982): 99-113.
146. Shlomo Yitzhaki, "A Tax Programming Model," Journal of Public Economics, 19 (1982): 107-120.
145. Shlomo Yitzhaki, "Stochastic Dominance, Mean Variance, and Gini's Mean Difference," American Economic Review, 72 (March 1982): 178-85.
144. Haim Levy, "The Yield Curve and Expected Inflation," Financial Analysts Journal, (November/December 1982): 3-8.
143. Michael Bruno and Jeffrey Sachs, "Energy and Resource Allocation: A Dynamic Model of the 'Dutch Disease'," Review of Economic Studies, 49 (1982): 845-859. |
142. Michael Bruno and Jeffrey Sachs, "Input Price Shocks and the Slowdown of Economic Growth: The Case of U.K. Manufacturing," Review of Economic Studies, 49 (1982): 679-705.
141. Yoram Kroll and Haim Levy, "Stochastic Dominance: A Note," Journal of Finance, 37 (June 1982): 871-875.
140. Nachum T. Gross, "The Economic Policy of the Mandatory Government in Palestine," Cathedra for the History of Eretz Israel and its Yishuv, 24 (July 1982), 153-180; 25 (October 1982): 135-168. Hebrew.
139. Haim Levy and Azriel Levy, "Stochastic Dominance and the Investment Horizon with Riskless Assets," Review of Economic Studies, 49 (1982): 427-438.
138. Yoram Ben-Porath, "Individuals, Families and Income Distribution," in Income Distribution and the Family, edited by Yoram Ben-Porath (a supplement to Population and Development Review, Vol. 8, 1982), pp. 1-13.
137. Reuben Gronau, "Inequality of Family Income: Do Wives' Earnings Matter?" in Income Distribution and the Family, edited by Yoram Ben-Porath (a supplement to Population and Development Review, Vol. 8, 1982), pp. 119-136.
136. Dov Friedlander and Ruth Klinov-Malul, "Aging of Populations, Dependency and Economic Burden in Developed Countries," Canadian Studies in Population, 7 (1980): 49-55.
135. Zvi Sussman, "Israel-Can Enhanced Growth be Resumed?" Economic Quarterly, 29 (No. 113, June 1982): 141-163. Hebrew.
134. Yoram Ben-Porath, "Transactional Elements in a Theory of Fertility," in Determinants of Fertility Trends: Theories Reexamined, edited by Charlotte Hohn and Rainer Mackenson. Proceedings of a seminar held in Bad Homburg, F. R. of Germany, 14-17 April, 1980. Liege: Ordina Editions, n.d., pp. 51-58.
133. Yoram Ben-Porath, "Economics and the Family-Match or Mismatch? A Review of Becker's A Treatise on the Family," Journal of Economic Literature, 20 (March 1982): 52-64.
132. Eytan Sheshinski and Yoram Weiss, "Inequality Within and Between Families," Journal of Political Economy, 90 (February 1982): 105-127.
131. Jacob Metzer, "Between the Great Depression and the `New Deal'," Zmanim, Historical Quarterly, 11 (March 1982): 44-57. Hebrew.
130. Jacob Metzer, "Fiscal Incidence and Resource Transfer Between Jews and Arabs in Mandatory Palestine," Research in Economic History, 7 (1982): 87-132.
129. Ephraim Kleiman, "Israel: Economists in a New State," History of Political Economy, 13 (Fall 1981): 548-579.
128. Nachum T. Gross, "The 1923 Recession and Public Sector Budgets in Palestine," Zionism-Essays on the History of the Zionist Movement and the Jewish Yishuv in Palestine, 7 (1981/82): 169-213. Hakibbutz Hame'uchad Publications. Hebrew.
127. Haim Levy, "Optimal Portfolio of Foreign Currencies with Borrowing and Lending," Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 13 (August 1981): 325-341.
126. Victor Levy, "On Estimating Efficiency Differentials Between the Public and PrivateSectors in a Developing Economy-Iraq," Journal of Comparative Economics, 5 (1981): 235-250.
125. Michael Michaely, "Inflation and Money in Israel since the 1977 Tax Reform," Economic Quarterly, 28 (No. 109, July 1981): 3-24. Hebrew.
124. Benjamin Eden and Ariel Pakes, "On Measuring the Variance-Age of Lifetime Earnings," Review of Economic Studies, 48 (1981): 385-394.
123. Doron Nachmany, "Price Equations of Israel's Industrial Output, 1964-1977," Bank of Israel Bulletin, 53 (June 1981): 49-63. Hebrew.
122. Haim Levy, "Capital Structure, Inflation and the Cost of Capital in Israeli Industry: 1964-1978," Bank of Israel Bulletin, 53 (June 1981): 22-48. Hebrew.
121. Jacob Metzer, "The Records of the U.S. Colored Troops as a Historical Source: An Exploratory Examination," Historical Methods, 14 (Summer 1981): 123-132.
120. Eytan Sheshinski and Yoram Weiss, "Uncertainty and Optimal Social Security Systems," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 96 (May 1981): 189-206.
119. Ariel Pakes and Zvi Griliches, "Patents and R & D at the Firm Level: A First Report," Economics Letters, 5 (1980): 377-381.
118. Victor Levy, "Oil Prices, Relative Prices, and Balance-of-Payments Adjustment: The Turkish Experience," European Economic Review, 15 (1981): 357-372.
117. Victor Levy, "Total Factor Productivity, Non-Neutral Technical Change and Economic Growth," Journal of Development Economics, 8 (1981): 93-109.
116. Jack Habib, "The Determination of Equivalence Scales with Respect to Family Size: A Theoretical Reappraisal," Public Finance, 35 (1980): 380-394.
115. Haim Barkai, Defence Costs in Retrospect. Summarized in Ma'arachot, (No. 278, February 1981): 2-9. Hebrew.
114. Yoram Ben-Porath and Finis Welch, "On Sex Preferences and Family Size,"Research in Population Economics, 2 (1980): 387-399.
113. Benjamin Eden, "Stochastic Dominance in Human Capital," Journal of Political Economy, 88 (1980): 135-145.
112. Martin C. Spechler, "Israel's Economic Achievements After Thirty Years: Comparative Perspectives," in Israel-A Developing_Society, edited by Asher Arian. Assen, Netherlands: Van Gorcum, 1980, pp. 389-413 (also in Hebrew).
111. Mario I. Blejer and Benjamin Eden, "A Note of the Specification of the Fisher Equation under Inflationary Uncertainty," Economic Letters, 3 (1980): 249-
110. Mario I. Blejer and Roque B. Fernandez, "The Effects of Unanticipated Money Growth on Prices and Output and Its Composition in a Fixed-Exchange-Rate Open Economy," Canadian Journal of Economics, 13 (February 1980): 82-95.
109. Yoram Ben-Porath, "The F-Connection: Families, Friends, and Firms and the Organization of Exchange," Population and Development Review, 6 (March 1980): 1-30.
108. Mario I. Blejer and Nadav Halevi, "Components of Effective Devaluation and the Domestic Rate of Inflation: The Case of Israel," Journal of Development Economics, 7 (March 1980): 117-122.
107. Morris Teubal, "On User Needs and Need Determination: Aspects of the Theory of Technological Innovation," in Industrial Innovation: Technology, Policy, Diffusion, edited by Michael J. Baker. London: Macmillan, 1979, pp. 266-289.
106. Martin Feldstein, Jerry Green, and Eytan Sheshinski, "Corporate Financial Policy and Taxation in a Growing Economy," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 93 (August 1979): 411-432.
105. Nissan Liviatan and David Levhari, "On the Deflationary Effect of Government's Indexed Bonds," Journal of Monetary Economics, 5 (1979): 535-550.
104. Yoram Ben-Porath, "Child Mortality and Fertility: Issues in the Demographic Transition of a Migrant Population," Population and Economic Change in Developing Countries (NBER, 1980), pp. 151-207.
103. Mario I. Blejer, "Devaluation, Inflation, and the Balance of Payments: A Short-Run Monetary Approach," Economic Record, 55 (March 1979): 33-40.
102. Mario I. Blejer, "On Causality and the Monetary Approach to the Balance of Payments: The European Experience," European Economic Review, 12 (1979): 289-296.
101. Joram Mayshar, "Transaction Costs in a Model of Capital Market Equilibrium," Journal of Political Economy, 87 (August 1979): 673-700.
100. Roy Rothwell and Morris Teubal, "SAPPHO Revisited: A Re-appraisal of the SAPPHO Data," in Innovation, Economic Change and Technology Policies, edited by Karl A. Stroetmann. Basel and Stuttgart: Birkhauser, 1977), pp. 39-59.
99. Mario I. Blejer, "The Demand for Money and the Variability of the Rate of Inflation: Some Empirical Results," International Economic Review, 20 (June 1979): 545-549.
98. Jack Habib, "Horizontal Equity with Respect to Family Size," Public Finance Quarterly, 7 (July 1979): 283-302.
97. Haim Levy and Yoram Kroll, "Efficiency Analysis with Borrowing and Lending: Criteria and their Effectiveness," Review of Economics and Statistics, 61 (February 1979): 125-130.
96. Eytan Sheshinski and Yoram Weiss, "Demand for Fixed Factors, Inflation and Adjustment Costs," Review of Economic Studies, 46 (January 1979): 31-45.
95. Eytan Sheshinski, "A Model of Social Security and Retirement Decisions," Journal of Public Economics, 10 (1978): 337-360.
94. Mario I. Blejer, "Black-Market Exchange-Rate Expectations and the Domestic Demand for Money: Some Empirical Results," Journal of Monetary Economics, 4 (1978): 767-773.
93. Michael J. Boskin and Eytan Sheshinski, "Optimal Redistributive Taxation when Individual Welfare Depends Upon Relative Income," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 92 (November 1978): 589-601.
92. Eytan Sheshinski, "Note on the Relation Between Quantity and Price Anomalies under Externalities," Economic Letters, 1 (1978): 111-115.
91. Haim Barkai, "Productivity and Factor Allocation in Kibbutz Farming and Manu- facturing," Revue Economique, 30 (January 1979): 144-161.
90. Benjamin Eden, "The Nominal System: Linkage to the Quantity of Money or to Nominal Income," Revue Economique, 30 (January 1979): 121-143.
89. Haim Levy, "Project Evaluation, Government Intervention and the Price of Foreign Exchange," Revue Economique, 30 (January 1979): 31-71.
88. Nadav Halevi, "The Exchange Rate in Israel: Policy and Opinion," Revue Economique, 30 (January 1979): 10-30.
87. Jerry R. Green and Eytan Sheshinski, "Optimal Capital-Gains Taxation under Limited Information," Journal of Political Economy, 86 (December 1978): 1143-1158.
86. Mario I. Blejer, "Income Per Capita and the Structure of Industrial Exports: An Empirical Study," Review of Economics and Statistics, 60 (November 1978): 555-561.
85. Mario I. Blejer and Roque B. Fernandez, "On the Output-Inflation Trade-off in an Open Economy: A Short-Run Monetary Approach," Manchester School (June 1978): 123-238.
84. Joram Mayshar, "Investors' Time Horizon and the Inefficiency of Capital Markets," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 92 (May 1978): 187-208.
83. Haim Levy and Marshall Sarnat, "Exchange Rate Risk and the Optimal Diversifi- cation of Foreign Currency Holdings," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 10 (November 1978): 453-456.
82. Haim Levy, "Equilibrium in an Imperfect Market," American Economic Review, 68 (September 1978): 643-658.
81. Haim Levy and Yoram Kroll, "Investment Decision Rules, Diversification, and the Investor's Initial Wealth," Econometrica, 46 (September 1978): 1231-1237.
80. Haim Levy and Yoram Kroll, "Ordering Uncertain Options with Borrowing and Lending," The Journal of Finance, 33 (May 1978): 553-574. |
79. Martin Feldstein, Jerry Green, and Eytan Sheshinski, "Inflation and Taxes in a Growing Economy with Debt and Equity Finance," Journal of Political Economy, 86 (April 1978): S53-S70.
78. Jacob Metzer, "Economic Structure and National Goals-The Jewish National Home," Economic Quarterly, 25 (No. 98, September 1978): 221-231. Hebrew. [Appeared in English in Journal of Economic History, 38 (March 1978): 101-19.]
77. Tuvia Blumenthal, "R&D in Israeli Industry," Research Policy, 7 (1978): 62-87.
76. Don Patinkin, "On the Relation Between Keynesian Economics and the `Stockholm School'," Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 80 (1978): 135-143.
75. Mario I. Blejer, "Money and the Nominal Interest Rate in an Inflationary Economy: An Empirical Test," Journal of Political Economy, 86 (June 1978): 529-534.
74. Michael Bruno, "Exchange Rates, Import Costs, and Wage-Price Dynamics," Journal of Political Economy, 86 (June 1978): 379-403.
73. Ruth Klinov-Malul, "Higher Education in the USSR: An Economic Comparison with the United Kingdom," Journal of Comparative Economics, 2 (1978): 13-23.
72. Benjamin Eden, "The Role of Insurance and Gambling in Allocating Risk over Time," Journal of Economic Theory, 16 (December 1977): 228-246.
71. Michael Bruno, "Equality, Complementarity and the Incidence of Public Expendi- tures," Journal of Public Economics, 6 (1976): 395-407.
70. Mario I. Blejer, "The Monetary Approach to Devaluation: A Graphical Presentation," Review of World Economics, 113 (1977): 348-352.
69. Morris Teubal and Pablo T. Spiller, "Analysis of R & D Failure," Research Policy, 6 (1977): 254-275.
68. Mario I. Blejer, "The Short-Run Dynamics of Prices and the Balance of Payments," American Economic Review, 67 (June 1977): 419-428.
67. Nissan Liviatan and David Levhari, "Risk and the Theory of Indexed Bonds," American Economic Review, 67 (June 1977): 366-375.
66. Yoram Ben-Porath and Michael Bruno, "The Political Economy of a Tax Reform: Israel 1975," Journal of Public Economics, 7 (1977): 285-307.
65. Ephraim Kleiman, "Monetary Correction and Indexation: The Brazilian and Israeli Experience," Explorations in Economic Research, 4 (Winter 1977): 141-176.
64. Don Patinkin, "What Advanced Countries Can Learn from the Experience with Indexation: Some Concluding Observations," Explorations in Economic Research, 4 (Winter 1977): 177-187.
63. David Levhari and Haim Levy, "The Capital Asset Pricing Model and the Investment Horizon," Review of Economics and Statistics, 59 (February 1977): 92-104.
62. David Levhari and Nissan Liviatan, "Notes on Hotelling's Economics of Exhaustible Resources," Canadian Journal of Economics, 10 (May 1977): 177-192
61. Joram Mayshar, "Should Government Subsidize Risky Private Projects?" American Economic Review, 67 (March 1977): 20-28.
60. Haim Levy and Yoram Kroll, "Stochastic Dominance with Riskless Assets," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 11 (December 1976): 743-777.
59. Nadav Halevi, "The Effects on Investment and Consumption of Import Surpluses of Developing Countries," Economic Journal, 86 (December 1976): 853-58.
58. Morris Teubal, Naphtali Arnon, and Manuel Trajtenberg, "Performance in Innovation in the Israeli Electronics Industry: A Case Study of Biomedical Electronics Instrumentation," Research Policy (October 1976): 354-379.
57. Don Patinkin, "Keynes and Econometrics: On the Interaction Between the Macro- economic Revolutions of the Interwar Period," Econometrica, 44 (November 1976): 1091-1123.
56. Michael Bruno, "The Two-Sector Open Economy and the Real Exchange Rate," American Economic Review, 66 (September 1976): 566-577.
55. Yoram Ben-Porath and Finis Welch, "Do Sex Preferences Really Matter?" Quarterly Journal of Economics, 90 (May 1976): 285-307.
54. David Morawetz, "Capital Utilization in Israeli Industry," Economic Quarterly, 23 (No. 90, August 1976): 182-194. Hebrew.
53. Shmuel Amir, "The First Native-Born Generation: The Income Gap," Economic Quarterly, 23 (No. 90, August 1976): 210-224. Hebrew.
52. Reuben Gronau, "The Allocation of Time of Israeli Women," Journal of Political Economy, 84 (August 1976): S201-S220.
51. Yoram Ben-Porath, "Fertility Response to Child Mortality: Micro Data from Israel," Journal of Political Economy, 84 (August 1976): S163-S178.
50. Morris Teubal, "Threshold R & D Levels in Sectors of Advanced Technology," European Economic Review, 7 (1976): 395-402.
49. Michael Bruno and Jack Habib, "Taxes, Family Grants and Redistribution," Journal of Public Economics, 5 (January-February 1976): 57-59.
48. Ruth Klinov-Malul, "Human Resources in Israel, 1965-74," Economic Quarterly, 23 (No. 88-89, April 1976): 46-56. Hebrew.
47. Yoram Ben-Porath, "Fertility in Israel: A Mini-Survey and Some New Findings," in Economic Factors in Population Growth, edited by Ansley Coale. London: Macmillan, 1976, pp. 136-172.
46. Ruth Klinov-Malul, "Is it Age or Experience that Matters," Kyklos, 28 (1975): 866-869.
45. Yoram Ben-Porath, "First-Generation Effects on Second-Generation Fertility," Demography, 12 (August 1975): 397-405.
44. Don Patinkin, "The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes: From the Tract to the General Theory," Economic Journal, 85 (June 1975): 249-271.
43. Yoram Ben-Porath, "The Years of Plenty and the Years of Famine-A Political Business Cycle?" Kyklos, 28 (1975): 400-403.
42. Shmuel Amir, Earned Income of Male Employees in Israel, 1968/69. 1975. Hebrew.
41. Yoram Ben-Porath, "Notes on the Micro-Economics of Fertility," International Social Science Journal, 26 (1974): 302-314 (also in French).
40. Gur Ofer, "Returns to Scale in Retail Trade," Review of Income and Wealth, 19 (December 1973): 363-384.
39. Reuben Gronau, "The Measurement of Output of the Nonmarket Sector: The Evaluation of Housewives' Time," in The Measurement of Economic and Social Performance, edited by Milton Moss (NBER Studies in Income and Wealth, Vol. 38), pp. 163-192.
38. Reuben Gronau, "The Intrafamily Allocation of Time: The Value of the Housewives' Time," American Economic Review, 63 (No. 4, September 1973): 634-635.
37. Bezalel Peleg and Menahem E. Yaari, "On the Existence of a Consistent Course of Action When Tastes are Changing," Review of Economic Studies, 40 (No. 3, July 1973): 391-401.
36. Yoram Ben-Porath, "Short Term Fluctuations in Fertility and Economic Activity in Israel," Demography, 10 (No. 2, May 1973): 185-204.
35. Haim Barkai and David Levhari, "The Impact of Experience on Kibbutz Farming,"Review of Economics and Statistics, 55 (No. 1, February 1973): 56-63.
34. Yoram Ben-Porath, "Economic Analysis of Fertility in Israel: Point and Counter- point," Journal of Political Economy, 81 (No. 2, part II, March/April 1973): S202-S233.
33. Don Patinkin, "Protected Apartments, Key Money and Linkage of Rentals to the C.O.L. Index," Economic Quarterly, 19 (No. 76, November 1972): 265-281. Hebrew.
32. Peter A. Diamond and Menahem E. Yaari, "Implications of the Theory of Rationing for Consumer Choice under Uncertainty," American Economic Review, 62 (No. 3, June 1972): 333-343. |
31. Haim Barkai, Industrial Revolution in the Kibbutz. 1972. Hebrew.
30. Reuben Gronau, "Information and Frictional Unemployment," American Economic Review, 61 (No. 3, Part I; June 1971): 290-301 .
29. Haim Barkai, "Operational Rules of Kibbutz Production," Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 4 (No. 16, 1971): 281-295. Hebrew.
28. Uri Litvin, "The Allocation of Resources in Education and Pupils' Achievements in the Seker Examination," Megamot Behavioral Sciences Quarterly (December 1971): 166-186. Hebrew.
27. David Cass and Menahem E. Yaari, "Present Values Playing the Role of Efficiency Prices in the One-Good Growth Model," Review of Economic Studies, 38 (No. 3, July 1971): 331-339.
26. Menahem E. Yaari, "Some Remarks on Measures of Risk Aversion and on Their Uses," Journal of Economic Theory, 1 (No. 3, October 1969): 315-329.
25. Yair Mundlak and Assaf Razin, "Aggregation, Index Numbers and the Measurement of Technical Change," Review of Economics and Statistics, 51 (No. 2, May 1969): 166-175.
24. Haim Barkai, The Capital Stock of the Kibbutz Economy: 1936-1965. 1969. Hebrew.
23. Tsvi Ophir, "The Economic Aspects of Water Quality," in 1st World Congress of Engineers and Architects in Israel (1967). 1969.
22. Yair Mundlak," Long-Run Coefficients and Distributed Lag Analysis: A Refor- mulation," Econometrica, 35 (No. 2, April 1967): 278-293.
21. Michael Michaely, "Foreign Exchange Rates in National Accounting," Economica, 34 (August 1967): 289-297.
20. Ephraim Kleiman, "The Place of Manufacturing in the Growth of the Israel Economy," Journal of Development Studies, 3 (No. 3, April 1967): 226-248.
19. Haim Barkai, "Economic Development of Collective Settlements," Economic Quarterly, 13 (No. 51, October 1966): 261-269. Hebrew.
18. Yair Mundlak, "On the Microeconomic Theory of Distributed Lags," Review of Economics and Statistics, 48 (No. 1, February 1966): 51-60.
17. Michael Landsberger, Predictability of Expenditure on Consumer Goods Through Income Elasticities, Bank of Israel Research Department, Research Summaries No. 1, 1965. Hebrew.
16. David Pines, Direct Export Premiums in Israel: 1952-1958. 1963.
15. Nissan Liviatan, "Consistent Estimation of Distributed Lags," International Economic Review, 4 (No. 1, January 1963): 44-52.
14. Uri Bahral, "Wage Differentials and Specification Bias in Estimates of Relative Labor Prices," Review of Economics and Statistics, 44 (No. 4, November 1962): 473-481.
13. Yair Mundlak, "Estimation of Production and Behavioral Functions from a Combi- nation of Cross-Section and Time-Series Data," in Measurement in conomics: Studies in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics in Memory of Yehuda Grunfeld, edited by Carl F. Christ and others. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1963, pp. 138-166.
12. Nissan Liviatan, "Tests of the Permanent-Income Hypothesis Based on a Reinterview Savings Survey," in Measurement in Economics: Studies in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics in Memory of Yehuda Grunfeld, edited by Carl F. Christ and others. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1963, pp. 29-59.
11. Nissan Liviatan, "Errors in Variables and Engel Curve Analysis," Econometrica, 29 (No. 3, July 1961): 336-362.
10. Yair Mundlak, "Aggregation Over Time in Distributed Lag Models," International Economic Review, 2 (No. 2, May 1961): 154-163.
9. Yair Mundlak, "Empirical Production Functions Free of Management Bias," Journal of Farm Economics, 43 (No. 1, February 1961): 44-156.
8. "Survey of Family Savings 1957/58 and 1958/59 (Preliminary Report)." A joint report with the Central Bureau of Statistics, Bank of Israel, the Israel Institute of Applied Social Research, and the Department of Economics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in Bank of Israel, Annual Report 1959 (1960): 319-327.
7. I. Honigbaum, "The Development of Production and Prices in the Vegetable Branch," Economic Quarterly, 7 (No, 25-26, January 1960): 116-125 (Hebrew with English summary).
6. "Survey of Family Savings 1957/58 (Preliminary Report)". A joint report with the Central Bureau of Statistics, Bank of Israel, and the Israel Institute of Applied Social Research, Bank of Israel Bulletin, No. 10 (October 1959): 17-41 (also in Hebrew).
5. Harold Lubell, Hadassah Weisbrod and Rivka Kahana, "Israel's National Expenditure: 1950-1954" (1958; Hebrew translation of the first two chapters of Israel's National Expenditure: 1950-54).
4. Ruth Klinov-Malul, "Productivity of Labor and Machines in Israel's Cotton Spinning Mills," Economic Quarterly, 5 (No. 19, April 1958): 303-328. Hebrew and English.
3. Arnon Gafni, Nadav Halevi, and Giora Hanoch, Israel's Tariff Structure and Functions [1958; Hebrew with English summary; an English version also appeared as "Classification of Tariffs by Function," Kyklos, 16 (No. 2, 1963): 303-318].
2. Zwi Citron and Avraham Kessler, Investments in Manufacturing Made Through the Investment Center (1958; Hebrew with English summary).
1. Nadav Halevi and Giora Hanoch, "Israel and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade," Economic Quarterly, 5 (No, 17-18, November 1957): 154-162 (Hebrew with English summary). |